Did you know 1 in 6 experience Infertility? 1. In. 6. That means someone you know, or possibly yourself, understand the deeply challenging struggles of an Infertility diagnosis. Until recently, that number has been 1 in 8.

Infertility brings heartache, joy, loss, growth, and the never ending emotional rollercoaster of possibility. It’s lonely, isolating, and full of unknowns. We created The Maybe Baby Diaries Podcast to help anyone struggling to know they truly aren’t alone.

There is a community of women, men, and couples who understand the challenges and intense ride that Infertility brings.

In the intro of our podcast, Mariah states that we want to bring awareness, education and understanding to the table. Talking about infertility is important. It’s necessary. We can change the way we talk about infertility, and by doing so, we can bring SO MUCH more support and love to those going through it. It is our hope, that we can break any and all stigmas, shame, and barriers and open the conversation to one of empathy, inclusivity, and deep understanding.