In being continually blessed throughout their journey to their own Maybe Baby, Mariah and her husband Brent decided they needed to find some way to change the conversation around infertility and give back to the community that so lovingly embraced them…and with that, The Maybe Baby Diaries Podcast was created.

Mariah Montgomery

Mariah is an infertility warrior, advocate, mother of two wonderful boys, wife, and podcast lover.

When she isn’t in her role of advocacy work, she is a brand, wedding, and family photographer. Mariah loves all things creative, and is in a constant search to find new ways to spark that creative energy.

She lives, works, and podcasts in Northern Utah. She’s available for speaking engagements, podcast interviews, and is regularly accepting Guest Applications for the Maybe Baby Diaries Podcast.

Contact Mariah for more info.

Brent Montgomery

As Mariah says, Brent is the “most supportive husband anyone could ever have.” Even when The Maybe Baby Diaries Podcast was just an idea, Brent quickly jumped into the role of “technical coordinator” and was ready to hit the ground running to turn the dream of the podcast into a tangible thing.

Brent runs the technical side of the podcast and does the video work, editing, and audio recording. When Brent isn’t working on the podcast, he is working his day job or working as a brand and wedding videographer. As much as he enjoys the technical side of things, he is a natural creative and loves to create however he can…usually in the form of home renovation projects.